EP plus


Client : EP-PLUS
Industry : Occupational Medicine, Public Sector, Health
Application type : Attendance management and activity monitoring
Project duration : 150 person days

Since 2009 in France, medical doctors have to be affiliated with an association allowing them to undertake an evaluation of their professional practices in the area of occupational health.
This obligatory evaluation must be carried out by an independent organisation and forms part of the continuing professional development (Développement Professionnel Continu or DPC) program for occupational physicians.
The EP-Plus site allows doctors to enrol in training courses offered throughout the year by the association.

Create an ergonomically-appropriate application that allows doctors looking for further training to get their bearings easily.
Adapt the application to a user group not necessarily accustomed to web technologies.

Thanks to Source@Max, the directorship of the association has been able to provide an effective training monitoring tool for its members. Thanks to EP-Plus, the association has a dashboard showing the level of adoption of continuing professional development by doctors.

The application allowed the association to increase its rate of converting registered members into clients by 5% and to reduce its communications costs by reducing paper consumption.

Today the application has 500 registered users generating €20k in turnover for the association.


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